Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vote Yes on the 2010 Marriage Protection Act

"because hell is eternal just like your marriage is supposed to be"....."Jesus will still love you if you get divorced...just not as much as he used to"....snicker....snicker...snicker...

Things More Fun Than Reading Sarah Palin's Memoir

I'm sorry - I don't care what the hell David Letterman does with his staff (pun intended). He is crazy brilliant. And, by the way, I would have done him in a heartbeat in my single days - funny is sexy ladies and gentlemen. Funny is very, very sexy. And so is smart. And he is both of those things.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Could This Be The End of Sarah Palin?

According to the Huffington Post, Sarah Palin's publishers and publicists are having a hard time getting her booked on those lucrative speaking tours. An insider was even quoted as saying that Palin was a "blithering idiot". Well, that's what we've been saying all along. But you mean no one wants to line up to hear pearls of wisdom coming from the darling of the Right? Come on, now. I mean what about the gal who ponied up $63,000 to have dinner with Sarah Palin in a charity auction (airfare to Alaska not included)? Don't you think she would want to hear pearls of old-fashioned downh-home plainspeak like this?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bill Maher, Jay Leno recite Republican love letters

In a true moment of genius, Bill Maher and Jay Leno recite emails from Rep Gov Mark Sanford and Rep Representative Mark Foley. Just too funny - while the Sanford emails are just full of love and sensitivity (letters to his Argenitian mistress), the Foley texts (sent to underage male congressional pages) are both creepy and hilarious (get a ruler and measure it for me).

Friday, September 25, 2009

"It was the Screaming that woke us up" - Hill-air-ree-ous!

OK - so this is incredibly hil-air-ree-ous! Little Lucas shoots robber with dad's gun and becomes a hero. What's not so hill-air-ree-ous is that there are going to be thousands of people who don't get the sattire and think little Lucas is an american patroit. To prove my point, I would like everyone to post this on conservative pages as a "real story" let's see if this gets picked up by a Glen Beck or a Joyce Kaufman as a "real story". Game? OK - let the fun begin....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rick Sanchez to Fox News - "You Lie"

Conservative wingnut tool Fox News recently took out an ad in The Washington Post that said NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN didn't cover that nutty Tea Party in DC. Rick Sanchez beautifully tell's Fox news to go shove it with clips from CNN's coverage from at least four different reporters, a clip from Bill O'Reilly mentioning CNN covering the rally and hs own conspiracy theory that the picture in the Fox ad actually came from a CNN camera. Nice work, Rick!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Secret Behind The Death Panels

First they laced baby toys in lead, now the Youths in Asia are coming for Grandma!

In the interest of being fair minded, I'm going to post something that represents the other side of the Healthcare Debate. Now, I know that we heard some rumblings about "Death Panels" by my favorite moose murderer and others. But what we didn't hear about is exactly WHO would be on these death panels. Well, mt friends, the cat (or more likely Panda) is out of the bag because we've found out the YOUTHS IN ASIA are going to come to kill grandma. That's right - those non-god-fearing communist Chairman Mao lovers are going to come here and kill grandma. It's not enough that they make lead ridden baby toys to kill junior or that the red dye on your cheap "made in China" flip flops will cause the bottom of your feet to boil off - now they're out for grandma. You didn't think it was mere coincidence that Ms. Palin was in China today, did ya?

Will Sarah Palin protect Grandma from those youths in Asia? You betcha!