Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vote Yes on the 2010 Marriage Protection Act

"because hell is eternal just like your marriage is supposed to be"....."Jesus will still love you if you get divorced...just not as much as he used to"....snicker....snicker...snicker...

Things More Fun Than Reading Sarah Palin's Memoir

I'm sorry - I don't care what the hell David Letterman does with his staff (pun intended). He is crazy brilliant. And, by the way, I would have done him in a heartbeat in my single days - funny is sexy ladies and gentlemen. Funny is very, very sexy. And so is smart. And he is both of those things.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Could This Be The End of Sarah Palin?

According to the Huffington Post, Sarah Palin's publishers and publicists are having a hard time getting her booked on those lucrative speaking tours. An insider was even quoted as saying that Palin was a "blithering idiot". Well, that's what we've been saying all along. But you mean no one wants to line up to hear pearls of wisdom coming from the darling of the Right? Come on, now. I mean what about the gal who ponied up $63,000 to have dinner with Sarah Palin in a charity auction (airfare to Alaska not included)? Don't you think she would want to hear pearls of old-fashioned downh-home plainspeak like this?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bill Maher, Jay Leno recite Republican love letters

In a true moment of genius, Bill Maher and Jay Leno recite emails from Rep Gov Mark Sanford and Rep Representative Mark Foley. Just too funny - while the Sanford emails are just full of love and sensitivity (letters to his Argenitian mistress), the Foley texts (sent to underage male congressional pages) are both creepy and hilarious (get a ruler and measure it for me).

Friday, September 25, 2009

"It was the Screaming that woke us up" - Hill-air-ree-ous!

OK - so this is incredibly hil-air-ree-ous! Little Lucas shoots robber with dad's gun and becomes a hero. What's not so hill-air-ree-ous is that there are going to be thousands of people who don't get the sattire and think little Lucas is an american patroit. To prove my point, I would like everyone to post this on conservative pages as a "real story" let's see if this gets picked up by a Glen Beck or a Joyce Kaufman as a "real story". Game? OK - let the fun begin....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rick Sanchez to Fox News - "You Lie"

Conservative wingnut tool Fox News recently took out an ad in The Washington Post that said NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN didn't cover that nutty Tea Party in DC. Rick Sanchez beautifully tell's Fox news to go shove it with clips from CNN's coverage from at least four different reporters, a clip from Bill O'Reilly mentioning CNN covering the rally and hs own conspiracy theory that the picture in the Fox ad actually came from a CNN camera. Nice work, Rick!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Secret Behind The Death Panels

First they laced baby toys in lead, now the Youths in Asia are coming for Grandma!

In the interest of being fair minded, I'm going to post something that represents the other side of the Healthcare Debate. Now, I know that we heard some rumblings about "Death Panels" by my favorite moose murderer and others. But what we didn't hear about is exactly WHO would be on these death panels. Well, mt friends, the cat (or more likely Panda) is out of the bag because we've found out the YOUTHS IN ASIA are going to come to kill grandma. That's right - those non-god-fearing communist Chairman Mao lovers are going to come here and kill grandma. It's not enough that they make lead ridden baby toys to kill junior or that the red dye on your cheap "made in China" flip flops will cause the bottom of your feet to boil off - now they're out for grandma. You didn't think it was mere coincidence that Ms. Palin was in China today, did ya?

Will Sarah Palin protect Grandma from those youths in Asia? You betcha!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"I was a Black Man Before The Election"

I'm sorry - how amazing is that that this man can take all the bile and the vitroil and underplay it and just get down to business to help the American People. What an amazing man. What a great leader. We are truly lucky to have this man as our President.

Hell Has Frozen Over! I Agree With Something Glenn Beck Said

Yes, Beck is a raging moron who's sole purpose on this planet is to insure that "normal" people see the raging wingnuts for what they really are - raging imbecile wingnuts! But in this little "coming attraction" to this evening's interview with Katie Couric, Glenn Beck says that John McCain would have been worse for this country than Barack Obama. OK - that's reasonable. Except now he goes back to his hometown of CRAZY and explains why - he says John McCain is a "weird Progressive, like Teddy Roosevelt". (sigh).

Insurance Companies are Getting a Bad Rap

You know, after seeing this public service message, I totally agree...

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Personal Take on the Healthcare Issue

I'm not a doctor person. I literally only go to a doctor when I self-diagnose on and the diagnosis comes up "cancer" (actually every webmb diagnosis comes up cancer). I then go to a doctor for an assurance it's something that I really thought it was - like hives or a hangnail.

Seriously, I've never had a doctor do anything for me except to either cause me pain, discomfort or push some pill at me that will make me feel either like sleeping for two days or saying inappropriate things to coworkers.

So I'll tell you that the whole healthcare reform thing should be what I want to fight about least of all - but it's not. And here's why...

I never could understand that in the United States you can actually go bankrupt because you don't have healthcare. I could never understand why when in the rare instances when I do go to a doctor and I am covered by whatever insurance I have, the statement is some ridiculous amount - like $5,000 for tests run at an allergist or $2,000 for an emergency room visit on Thanksgiving for a lymph node infection (not including the antibiotics).

But then I do know why - it's precisely that little insurance card you have that your employer probably pays for. It's people like a coworker who goes to the podiatrist for a pedicure because the copay is cheaper than the salon. It's people who go to the dermatologist instead of the spa for a facial. It's people who go to the doctor for a cough when they really need Robitussin. This happens all the time. And it's the doctors who "upsell" their services. And they do - they medicate us, order an obscene number of tests and get indignant if you question them. They after all, are doctors. They have the final say. They are all-knowing.

It's the insurance companies who meter and dole out procedures. So easy to say no to everything because paying up brings their profits down. Insurance companies aren't on the side of the insured by their very nature.

So what do we do? Well, President Obama and President Clinton and Senator Kennedy have all fought for universal healthcare. President Obama's plan currently makes sense for the American people - have your current plan stay more or less status quo. Eliminate pre-existing condition clauses. Make catastrophic healthcare mandatory for all americans. Offer a public option. That's fair. That's actually free market enterprise at work. Have a public option that will force the private insurance companies to keep their rates fair. Make healthcare mandatory the same as car insurance or home insurance when you have a mortgage.

But some people want to see the President fail. These people say that there are Death Panels, that the DMV is going to give you a PAP smear and that you're going to have to wait on line for years, perhaps decades to get a checkup, a pacemaker, a broken bone set. These people don't even know what they're fighting against. They use buzzwords like - Socialism, Communism, Tax Hikes. They don't want to compromise and they will stop at nothing until this proposal is killed and our President defeated - even if it tears apart our country.

I stopped at the bank today near Mt. Sinai Hospital. I passed the Humana clinic. The doors opened as I walked by and I looked in. The conservatives' nightmare of healthcare's future was staring at me right now - lines and lines. People waiting in chairs looking like they had been there for hours. Elderly patients being bussed in from points West and North. Spending hours perhaps days to see a doctor to be told that they had a pre-existing condition or to just takes these painkillers. What I didn't see were any of those conservatives there to look at the broken system as it is right now.

I have friends, good friends that have chronic illnesses and I have friends that have children with chronic illnesses. I am willing to pay a few dollars more to see that they will never have to go bankrupt if their child needs chemo or a liver transplant. And I am willing to ask them to do the same for me. You want to call that socialism? Go right ahead. I call it society. And I back my President's plan. Do you?

I would love to know your thoughts.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Calling President Obama a Muslin is Going a Bit Too Far For This Fashionista.

Ahhh...yes friends. I know that we've all seen the hate speech about our President. And I've been attacked myself (but that's another entry in the blog). Maybe I shouldn't care so much. After all, I don't personally know President Obama and he's a big man. He's got staff, Secret Service....hell he's the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military! He can take care of himself (and if he can't he's got someone to write a speech using harsh language, some CIA Operative to take them out secretly, the Army to blow them to pieces and two little girls to kick them in the shins)...He's covered.

So maybe I should cool it when people call President Obama everything from a a a Muslim. But this? This is inexcuseable. Because by the looks of it. President Obama is anything but cheap or tacky so to call President Obama MUSLIN is the worst offense of them all. Call our President silk, wool, even linen if you must. But call my President Muslin - you've got a fight on your hands Mr.! Cheap fabric.......come on!

Here's some Obama Fabric for ya! Bet it's pretty darn expensive, too!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11 2001, The Day A City Almost Died

September 11, 2001. I think we all have a memory of September 11th. That day is our generation's JFK assassination or Pearl Harbor. Where were you? Here's my story - one of millions.

The morning of September 11th was actually beautiful. Sunny and warm - a perfect late summer day in New York City. I was living in Jersey City and I rented my apartment for the perfect view of NYC and the Twin Towers. Some people thought of the Twin Towers as an eyesore - too modern, too big. I always loved those building and the way they would change colors with the sun - silver, blue, bronze, pink, orange and gold. This morning, as I did every morning, I walked my dogs in the park and said good morning to the Twin Towers.

For some reason, I was very early getting to work. I'm NEVER early for work. I make it a point to never be early for work. I remember stopping at the Dunkin Donuts on the corner by the Port Authority to get some coffee and walking the block to my office. A beautiful day - New York City is never as beautiful as it is in early fall. Got to my office, ready to start the day with a coffee and then.....some weird news. A plane hit the World Trade Center. The World Trade Center is burning.

Then it started....The rumors....the searching for the radio (we had no tv and the internet was so new, no streaming video yet....)...The calls from and to friends. A plane hit The WTC. Then another plane. A call to a friend who lived downtown confirmed the fire, the smoke, the strike.

One worker was just crazed, one worker had an ex at the WTC. I had many many friends at the WTC. I almost accepted a job there the week before but I really didn't want to go back into finance. My ex-fiance worked on the 79th floor and I visited him just the week before with my dog. I had just left a sales job where my clients were all either in the Twin Towers or the Starett-Lehy Building because I could cold call an entire building and client search without going out in the winter. I tried to call some people who worked there, getting no answers, not getting through.

In my immediate wisdom and knowledge about disaster from being in Hurricane Andrew(most people call it pessimism) I thought two things - this did not get my new coworkers to like me much..One - NYC is probably under terrorist attack and we should go in pairs to an ATM and get CASH so that when the electricity goes out and there is anarchy in the streets we have money to buy any food or water we might need. and Two....Those towers WILL GO DOWN - there's too much heat and metal for them to not fully and totally collapse. Besides, action plans totally work when people are getting crazed - giving someone something to do - like go to the bank - actually makes people feel better - and we all felt hopeless. So we did that. I secretly wanted to get down to the site. To see if I could see, help, do....But in all the chaos I thought probably better to not go.

So we waited, watched. And saw people trapped. People leaping out of the buildings 90-100 stories up. People that had to choose between being burned alive and one last flight of freedom before they met the ground. We saw the towers fall - first one then the other. I was right...and so sorry for being right.

We left finally....closed the office....found a bar....watched TV....Saw the film footage again and again in an endless loop of horror. The Plane hitting the second tower. The towers falling. By then NYC was shut down. No cabs, no buses. The bridges and tunnels were shut down - to keep people from leaving the city and getting into the city. We were where we were. I still had to get back into New Jersey - offers were passed for me to sleep on a couch, share a bed but this did not appeal to me. I wanted to get back home to my view that a few hours before was a majestic skyline - now burning rubble.

I walked to the piers on the West Side. There were rumors that boats were taking stranded people to New Jersey. The lines were miles long...hours long....I started walking when I heard some guy calling me over - he had a charter party boat - leaving now - room for one more. Taking me across the river only a few miles from my apartment. I hopped on. Any other day you don't go with strangers. That day you did. What the hell else could happen? Rape? Robbery?

We untied from the dock - this boat that is used for weddings, corporate parties, dancing and drinking had a much different feel than what she was intended for. People shell shocked on deck. And I've heard it said people were crying but truth be told New Yorkers are much more stoic. There were few tears. Mostly either stories or silence. The Hudson was a sea of boats and we were on deck for what seems like hours. We were heading south...and I got my first good look at the site. And as we were looking Number 7 WTC went down in front of us - not as spectacular but a good shocking taste of what WTC 1 and 2 must have looked like.

We finally got to NY and I got to my home. Remember - I had THE primo view of the WTC. Now, as the sun set on this grotesque day, I got to see the plumes of smoke, some flames. In fact the smoke and burning was there for days, as were the news trucks who set up camp for a week. Everything in the neighborhood was filled with soot. And...papers....lots of papers. I picked one up - they were trade confirmations from the exchange floors of the World Trade center - the blasts and the wind carried them over to my apartment. They were dated September 10 and 11. Part of me said keep them and any other time, any other remnant I would have, but I put them down where they lay - these papers had blood on them and I wanted no part of them.

The next day all was silent except for the sound of Airforce fighter jets. A sound I never want to hear in my city again. It was the sound of a war. My City was at war. I found my way into the City....Walked as far as I could down the West Side Highway - out of curiosity, a feeling of wanting to be a part and to see if I could help. I saw things I thought I would never see....Impromptu corps of people trying to volunteer....Dump Trucks hauling away entire Fire Engines and police cars covered in white powder......Freezer Trucks hauling away god knows what.....I found a way to volunteer putting together cardboard dog and cat carriers for people trying to get into their apartments to rescue their pets who lived downtown (Downtown was evacuated). Everyone wanted to volunteer, everyone wanted to help. Remember - action is the opposite of fear and frustration.

Right afterward the posters and the candles started appearing. Everywhere. The signs. The faces. Have you seen my wife, my son, my father? Pictures of smiling firefighters, pretty young secretaries, handsome stock traders. And they were all handsome in those pictures. The makeshift posters were made with love - showing these lost souls at their very best - brides, grooms, graduates in their cap and gowns, wearing uniforms, holding babies. I think that these people knew that their loved ones would never return home to them...I think they just wanted the City to know that they existed. I don't want to liken the Twin Tower attack with the Holocaust - but there was similarities - both killed innocent people and both left loved ones with nothing to bury.

I am proud of New Yorkers - the city and it's people were wounded but not paranoid. We got back to work that Monday. We worked through Anthrax scares and building evacuations. We went to funerals with empty coffins. Us single gals dated single firemen and police officers. Just doing our duty. We went to plays to save Broadway and ate out to save restaurants. We volunteered and held benefits and shows and reviews and gave blood and time and money.

I worked on a project to rebuild the World Trade Center. Every design was fought against by families of the dead. Motives were questioned - who would lease there? Who would ever work there? Wasn't this hallowed ground? I agreed in secret. Don't rebuild. Too many ghosts. Eight years later the site is just an empty piece of land - like a socket where a tooth was. A friend had never been to NYC and wanted to see the site. All my friends and I said there was nothing to see - she didn't believe us. so we went and...nothing. There is nothing....and maybe....just maybe....that's how it should stay....Every anniversary in memory, the city of New York lights two giant beacons of light, representing each tower. These lights form giant ghost towers in the sky. I love this memorial. Ghost towers shimmering over an empty site where people used to work, laugh, eat, and breathe. Ghost people working in their ghost towers in the sky. Yes.....that's exactly how it should be.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hilll-Arrrr-Reeee-Usss - Hitler Finds Out About Obama Speaking to Schoolkids

I'm sorry - this is funny. And I'm Jewish!

Would You Let Your Children Behave Like Joe Wilson (I hope not....)

"F**K you, Congress"

So here's the question - you have a child. You take said child out to some crappy place in a strip mall for dinner because you got home late and the last thing on your mind is to make dinner. So you and your husband (or wife or whatever) take little Timmy out with you to TGI Thursday's or Green Lobster or whatever. While there, the waitress comes over and says "Hi! We have drink specials today 2 for 1 margaritas" You say that sounds great and while the waitress gets your drink order, Little Timmy, seed of your loins, throws a tantrum at the table because he wants chicken fingers and you want him to have the steamed chicken and broccoli so he doesn't turn into an obese child (because you cant afford the medical bills if your angel gets diabetes at the age of 10). He screams at you and makes a scene - what do you do? Punish him or give him his favorite dessert as a reward?

If that child were mine - that better not happen, I'll tell you that. Because even a crappy restaurant is a restaurant and there is a sense of decorum in how you act when out in public. My parents threatened me once - if you act out we just wont take you anywhere - and that's all I needed.

So my question, dear readers is simply this.....why the hell would anyone Republicans, Conservatives, Space Aliens....let Rep. Joe Wilson get away with his behavior last night at the President's address to Congress? What kind of message does this send? To me it doesn't send a message of protest or disagreement for The President's bill and ideals - the way to show that is clearly in the sitting on the hands and looking a little perturbed that the Republicans (and Democrats) know how to do so well. That in itself speaks volumes to The President when he addresses Congress. I personally LOVE this bit of theatre - it reminds me of old movies of Parliament.

But this...this shouting of "You Lie" by Rep Wilson is just bad behavior. And it makes a mockery of Congress, his office, and the Republican Party. It shows that he has no taste and clearly no respect for his job or his party or his country. Forget about his not agreeing with The President - you do not shit where you eat! That's the first rule of having a job. For this alone to show respect for the hall of Congress and the Country that the Republicans say they love so much more than the Democrats do - they need to condemn this act by a crude man - not order him a hot fudge sundae!

Barack Obama's Big Night

Last night President Barack Obama addressed Congress and the American people on the issue of his health care reform bill. I eagerly awaited this address because I have been feeling for months now that President Obama, by taking the high road and not addressing full out the craziness that has been brewing by the conservative right, was letting an opportunity slip away - the opportunity to make fools of these crazies by bringing to light the truth about the health care plan.

Lat night, President Obama did, I feel, make his position known in a more forceful manner. I loved his speech about he not being the first President to fight for Universal Health care but he would be the last. I love the fact that he addressed Sarah Palin's idiocy about "death panels" and called her out without naming names.

I even love the age old theatrics of the address to Congress - the party that sides with you stands and cheers everything you say. The opposition literally sits on their hands (except, of course, for Joe Wilson - the rude prick). Whenever I see this, It really takes me back to a time over 200 years ago when I'm sure the founding fathers that the conservatives talk so much about disagreed with and were outspoken with each other.

But let's get back to President Obama's outline and why the hell wouldn't we want this to pass? President Obama said that if you have health care from work or Medicare or Medicaid your coverage would stay the same except for the fact that there would be no pre-existing ailments and your coverage can't be "changed" during or after a sickness. If you don't have health care you have to be required to buy some form of basic health care or be penalized by the IRS. And if you still can't afford it, a basic basic form would be offered to you covering, say, heart disease of a broken leg so that you don't run off to the hospital emergency room, rack up a $25,000 bill and skip out on it. That everyone would have to be covered for basic health care like drivers are covered by car insurance. - What the hell is wrong with that?

There are only two scenarios that I can think of why the Republicans are so against this plan and this man - and neither of them make them look good in any way, shape of form:

1. The Republicans are in the back pocket of the medicine and insurance industries (duh). Of course they are - I literally snort coke zero out of my nose every time the Conservative Right says that they're for the people and that the Democrats are for big business and big government.....What? what? Republicans are notoriously for big business and tax breaks. They are the poster boys for bribery and being bought and sold for a buck. Do you want to know what got the only positive reaction by the President on the Republican side of the aisle yesterday? When The President acknowledged John McCain? NOPE! Guess again......How about when he said he would look into Doctors malpractice insurance practices and try to deregulate some practices and procedures for doctors? DING DING DING DING! The Republicans are being strong armed by the Insurance and AMA to not budge an inch lest there be less money to be shared. See? The Republicans still believe in trickle down economics - profit is trickled down from BIG INSURANCE right into the pockets of Republican Congressmen.

2. Like the sore losers they are, the Republicans want to see President Obama fail and will take down the country with it if they have to just to get a big "See? I told ya so" in the end. I don't know if it's racism, jealousy, aversion to change and hope or a weird allergic reaction to peanuts or shellfish, but these Republicans literally will stop at nothing to get Barack Obama to lose.

But here's the thing...In the end, the conservatives will self implode in a sea of craziness and the light will come down on the truth - that this system is broken and we have to change it. That President Obama's plan is no different or more insidious than having mandatory car insurance or home insurance on a mortgaged home. And that the really sad, sad truth in those that disagree is that it's OK to insure your THINGS - your car, your boat, your home because they have a tangible value but human health (especially the working class) much less important to the Conservatives after all.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Barack Obama - Coming for YOUR Rugrat at a school near you!

First of all - look at all the cool fun images that I found on the web of "concerned citizens" of the United States who just "care about their country"....Yeah - give me a f**king break!

What happens when a conspiracy theorist gets a hold of Adobe Illustrator

Hey - does this mean Michelle Obama is Eva Braun?

So now that I got your attention, President Barack Obama is going to speak to school children in a satellite feed on September 8th! Yes my friends - instead of our little angels watching mind-enriching programs like American Idol, Hannah Montana and Spongebob Squarepants (and truth be told, probably Real Housewives of Atlanta and Extreme cage Wrestling)...the will be exposed to....The President of the United States urging them to stay in school!

The audacity! The terror! Yeah, I know, I sounds funny to think that this might be construed as a bad thing, but the nutters on the conservative front are making it out to be the formation of Hitler Youth!

First of all this isn't the first time this has happened. In 1991 Pres Bush addressed schoolchildren in much the same way - via satellite. As far as I know, no children were indoctrinated into the fold.

Psst...excuse me...Mr. President?....Uh....your book is upside down...And the World Trade Center is ON FIRE!

In 2001, The second President Bush was at a school class in Florida reading a book upside down when he was informed of the WTC attack. I suppose we didnt have to worry about Bush being a Marxist - I mean he thought a Marxist was someone who always got the bullseye to win the BIG PRIZE at the Crawford County Fair!

Napoleon Dynamite - Cute Indy Film or Communist Plot?

When I was a kid we had mock elections - We had the Carter/Ford election. I made up campaign buttons for Jimmy Carter with peanuts taped to each one. The boys wanted Ford. I guess we were all little commie bastards in 1976 Brooklyn. Back in the day it wasn't called indoctrinating children - IT WAS CALLED SOCIAL STUDIES OR CIVICS! In fact, several years of hypnosis will probably reveal the little chip the democrats implanted in my head that year that I was 9.

Goldwater Girl - or zombie bitch?

But getting back to President Obama and next week - the wacky conservatives are starting a campaign to pull their kids out of school that day. And many are threatening home schooling their precious little cargo. (Home school kindergarten classes include Why Jesus hates Muslim terrorists, Why Liberals are the Devil's spawn, and The proper ways to clean your rifle) So what kind of message do these hate mongers send to their children? That the President and the Government is bad? What next? Don't listen to the police? Learn to shoot a rifle for the new militia uprising?

And these crazies are forgetting one point that makes all this craziness obsolete - politics, to most kids, is boring! It's not World Cage Wrestling or Real Housewives of The Pittsburg Steelers. It's not American Idol or Spongebob. And the surest way of getting kids to be totally uninterested in something is to have it taught in school. So get over it you freaks! Your little rugrats won't even listen to Barack Obama at school - now if he went on The Simpsons or something - that's different!

Maybe President Obama IS out to take over kids' minds, after all......

What's your opinion?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

And now for something completely different......

This is the funniest SH*T I've seen in my life. And so true - is there anything funnier than Amy Poehler and Tina Fey?!

Fight For Love

The above film is the story of a gay couple in Florida and their attempt to adopt their foster children. In Florida, gay couples are not allowd to marry and gay people are not allowed to adopt (though they are allowed to foster a child). I can't disagree more with these archaic laws that prohibit people from their right to give love and get love and have it be recognized.

I grew up in NYC and my High School is the HS of Performing Arts - the "Fame" School. In that school there were all kinds of kids - every color, every religion, every background and every sexual preference. This was a place where you were judged by your talent not your skin color. Here's an example - Chastity (now Chazz) Bono was in our classes. I could have told you then what we all know now - that she was unhappy withthe conventional moires of society and an alternate lifestyle would make her happy. And that would make her more capable of loving and receiving love.

Now let me also say something - I don't have children nor do I want any. I recently got married at the tender young age of 41 so it's not that I'm all - la la la - marriage and kids. It's exactly that reason that I am so against the fact that gay couples cannot marry in most states and cannot adopt in Florida and other states.

Here's my breakdown - love is rare. You think finding a job you like is difficult? Try finding someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. And us heterosexuals don't do such a great job of finding a life-mate and raising children - I can cite very specific examples of failed marriages and bad child rearing in my own backyard (though I will not). I myself had a bad marriage under my belt and my parents were the worst parents you could have that didn't hit or take drugs or alcohol. So I know about heterosexuals getting all this marriage and kids stuff way wrong.

I will also tell you that I don't think that because a couple is gay they might do better at marriage or at child rearing. I will tell you one thing though - if you want something so bad that you will fight for it so hard and wait for it for so long you probably are not taking something like marriage lightly. In 5 or 10 or 20 years when gay marriage is legal will gay couples get drunk and get married by Elvis in Vegas - probably....but for now I think they should be allowed to try.

This particular time and place is both wonderful and scary. There is new technology every day but it doesn't bring us closer as people. There is a new President, a new administration, but there is still backward thinking. The small stuff that's trivial in life is abundant - you can buy clothes, get entertained but love....real love....that's rare. Denying a couple the right to celebrate that love and define it legally is wrong, bigoted and hateful. Most people do it in the name of religion which is the most cutting blow of all - because I don't think a Jesus or a Moses would care one rat's ass as long as love was present.

I was thinking back on Guess WHo's Coming to Dinner, a shocking movie of it's time about an inter-racial marriage. It was made in the 60's when that was taboo but already legal. Ten years earlier it was actually illegal for a white person and a black person to marry. The first interracial kiss was on Star Trek. Times change and now it's crazy to think that a man and a woman could be stopped from marrying because of their skin color - so why should two men or two women be stopped? It's illogical and unfair and hopefully we'll look back in a few years and wonder what the fuss was all about.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The NRA grassroots Minute - Mayor Bloomberg no Friend to The NRA (Duh)

I found this gem just now. In this NRA Weekly minute two young people (including a woman) who kinda look like they could be college students are recapping the latest gun news. One story is about Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York city, not being a friend to the NRA because he wants to impost stricter gun laws in New York City.

Let me first tell you that it's not at all easy to get a gun in New York City. And that not one person that I knew ever wanted a gun nor did they feel that a constitutional right was taken away - we simply never even wanted a gun. I remember having a couple of dates with a police officer (it was after 9/11 and a cop or a fireman was considered "the" accessory for a single girl - much I guess like sailors were during WWII). He put his arm around me and I felt a hard lump when he got closer - that's right! I felt his gun. I remember being totally freaked out that this man had a gun and I didn't see him afterward. Just grossed me out the fact that he had something that was literally an agent of death on him in a restaurant.

I am totally opposed to guns. I firmly believe that there is no reason to have a gun. My cousin Sharie found a gun and blew her brains out. A coworker of my father put a gun inside his mouth and pulled the trigger. I have seen deer, eyes still open dripping in blood hanging from cars. I can only see the destruction that comes from a gun.

I know that there's the second amendment. I've read it. And you can interpret it all you want but you have to agree that when the constitution was written there were wild animals and an English King with an army that wanted his land back. And only 10% of families were armed in those days. In fact guns were getting less popular in the U.S. for decades until a marketing campaign by Samuel Colt played on public fear and paranois (sound familiar?) and civil war soldiers returned home with their guns (if they returned home at all).

What I do know is that guns play a bigger role in offense than defense. And this is an ugly game. I know Hollywood has oh so many vigilante movies but I'm offering up this scenario to all of you - if a criminal came up to you with a gun - who would win? Would you be able to pull the trigger, aim better and fire one off before he got to you? He's had more practice and has no morals - I think he's got you beat. Or in the case of domestic violence or family fights - if you punch someone you'll regret it, maybe spend some time in jail and hopefully get a divorce in the case of domestic violence. Add a gun to the scenario - what was assault is now homicide or murder - two or more lives ruined in a gunflash.

Even I have had experiences. In my first marriage my then husband-to-be had a gun. For protection. For us. My ultimatum - get rid of the gun or me. The gun went and we adopted a German Shepherd for protection. I left my husband after a fight where he hit me. One was enough - what if the gun was in the house? Would he have gone for it? Would I have gone for it in retaliation or anger or self defense? Would that night have ended in a funeral for one and a lifetime in prison for the other? And he wasn't a bad man - stress from losing everything in Hurricane Andrew compounded with a little jealousy of me working with all men and some drinks led to that night. It could have ended worse.

Let's also put children into the equation. How many times have you read of a child blowing his or his friend's brains out after finding a gun under a bed or in a closet? And you can't hide anything from a child - I should know. I used to snoop as a child - I found locked boxes AND the keys to them, only to find a stash of Playboys, a penis shaped lipstick and some booze. But I could have found a gun.

And getting a handgun legally does not make it safe. For example, Buford O. Furrow, the man who opened fire at a Los Angeles Jewish community center in 1999, was armed with seven guns, including a Glock 9mm automatic handgun and a custom-made assault rifle--and every one of his guns was registered.

Similarly, Bryan Uyesugi, the man who shot and killed seven employees of the Xerox Corporation in Hawaii on November 2, 1999, had 17 firearms registered. Between June 18, 1990 and November 3, 1999, workplace shootings caused the deaths of 116 people. The Columbine killers famously bought their ammo at a local KMart.

And let's remember that private sales of any weapon are not even regulated - I can go out and buy any gun at a gun show or out of a car trunk and it's mine. I don't know the gun's history and the gun doesn't know my history - of possible alcoholism, depression, bipolar disorder, drug addiction or anger at a job, a wife, a mother, a President.

I was thinking that the NRA and the people that tout The Constitution are totally alright with getting a driver's license, insuring their car, making sure their kid gets a learner's permit and takes driver's ed. That makes them a responsible driver and a good citizen. These people pay their taxes, obey laws without too much fuss. Those same people object to any licenses, rules, regulations on any guns. And you could argue that there is more damage to be done in more places with more opportunities with a gun.

And for the people who say guns don't kill people....I agree. They don't. It takes the crazy or angry asshole holding it to kill people. And if that crazy Motherf***er didn't have the gun - they couldn't kill anyone with it!

Sen Edward Moore Kennedy - The End of An Era

I grew up with the Kennedys. I was born in the late 60's - during the turmoil of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, war protests and the wonders of space rockets and men on the moon. I think that everyone in NYC is a bit of a political wonk, but I surpassed my parents and everyone in the neighborhood.

I remember taking my father's JFK memorial record of his speeches and listening to them over and over. I remember at the age of 9 having my parents drive me to Manhattan to stuff envelopes for Jimmy Carter's campaign - the littlest volunteer (but I was taken seriously and allowed to help every Sunday). I remember getting my first cassette tape recorder - a red panasonic - and making a parody of Richard Nixon getting implummed and impolkadotted instead of impeached. But most of all, I remember the Kennedys.

I remember looking at this family with perfect teeth, wealthy but working so hard for kids, poor people and minorities. I remember discovering that little Jon Jon had grown up real good and my best friend giving me a calendar of JFK with a card - here are pictures of the father in law that you never got to meet. I remember in my early 20's buying ballgowns from Saks Fifth Avenue that I couldn't afford, tucking in the tags and crashing Kennedy Foundation parties at the Met, hoping for a sighting of a Kennedy and being rewarded by meeting Rory, Patrick, Caroline and seeing Ted at some of them - the Patriarch! I remember being a salesperson in NYC and working so hard to get the Hachette Filipachi account so I could have an excuse to be in the building that George Magazine was in, hoping to get a glimpse.

I remember all the Kennedy deaths and tragedies and taking them to heart like they were my family - Jackie, then the heartbreaking news of John Kennedy. I remember being riveted to my TV that sunny July afternoon hoping for good news, knowing it wouldn't come. I remember seeing Ted on the boat to pick up the bodies of his nephew - everyone's father - a role he was thrust into out of necessity, but one that he took to.

And I remember his speech at the Democratic National Convention where he passed the torch to Barack Obama. Practically calling him a Kennedy - the pride of Barack shining in his eyes - you would think there would have been some sadness, some irony - after all, Ted's own push to the White House failed and the new generation of Kennedys don't seem like the highest call is in the cards. But there was no irony. There was only pride. I do believe Ted Kennedy loved his country more than anything including his pride and the Family.

I know there will be people who will mock Ted Kennedy - there are people who have brought up Chappaquiddick (and you don't want to go there because in 1963 Laura Bush was in a vehicular homicide, too). There are people who will bring up his drinking and his womanizing. I agree - and his nephew, John Kennedy Jr. wrote that some of his family were posterboys for bad behavior. We all know that. Ted would have been the first to agree. But he without sin cast the first stone.

Teddy was born into great wealth - he could have given in to those baser emotions and temptations but instead devoted his life to making his country better. With all his flaws he managed to write over 300 bills that were passed. And not bills like putting treehouses in public parks or having poodles groomed within 50 feet of an elementary school. I'm talking about serious bills that changed the landscape of this country for the better, including The Minimum Wage Increase Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Act, The No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Act, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, The Mental health Parity Act, The Immigration Reform Act, The Individuals with disabilities Education Act and so many more.

Ted Kennedy will forever be known as a great American. The Liberal Lion who befriended people in both parties and often crossed the aisle to work with Republicans to get the job done. Let the record show that this was a man who truly loved America. He will be missed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

OMG! According to Glen Beck Cash for Clunkers Evil Plot to hack your computers!!!

Thank you Glen Beck for sharing this insight with us - because I am now so frightened that the Obama Administration can now find all my vacation pictures, the one picture that Jack took of me with food poisoning where my hair is messy and I have no makeup (the horror) and how I screw off on Facebook more than I should!

If Big Brother is watching me, I'm truly sorry I'm so boring!

Now Dogs Are Getting Into The Act?

I saw this really weird (and I have to admit slightly funny) video just now. In it, the nice granny-sounding lady is giving her dog a treat. The little dog (min pin perhaps) is taking the treat as she says - here's one from mommy....The little dog takes the treat as she says - here's one from daddy...then the little dog is given a treat from OBAMA - and refuses it! We try this again - one from mommy - (dog chows down) one from daddy (dog woofs it up) one from Obama (nada)....Even with a little coaxing (but Obama likes dogs) nothing.

What does this video prove? Not sure - I guess we should have put a veterinarian clause in the healthcare reform plan. Not that dogs should really mind, though. They always seem to hate the vet and we've been the death panel for dogs for centuries - muffy's past his prime (and wee weeing on the carpet) let's give him the BIG PINK DEATH JUICE - it's for his own good. He wouldn't want to live without dignity (and you without a clean carpet)....

As far as my dogs are concerned, I think the little shits would take cheese even from the hands of Sarah Palin - good thing they can't vote!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Case Against Michael Vick

So Michael Vick has been picked up by the Eagles to play football again after his early release from prison for senselessly torturing and slaughtering fighting dogs.

With that one sentence I’ve just told you my views on the subject – I believe that any person who can torture and kill a creature that is smaller or weaker is a bully and a coward in the best terms I can put to the matter. Can I make exceptions…I’m trying and I’m thinking about what kind of exception I can make – a rabid guinea pig, perhaps or a psychotic “little person” on PCP on a rampage comes to mind, but I think you’ll all agree with me that the likelihood of these scenarios is slim.

some of you might say he’s served his time and paid for the crime and he’s repented. I’ll allow you the “served his time” (though technically he didn’t serve the full term of his sentence) but show me a man with a microphone in his face and an agent whispering in his ear to “be repentant if you ever want a fucking check from the NFL again” and I’ll show you a repentant man.

I’ll also allow the “you have to let a man earn his keep” speech – for one moment. All these are valid points and I will shatter all of them now:

First of all, when did society ever greet convicted felons back into the workforce with open arms? The jails are full of men and women that resorted to crime because society wouldn’t give them a break – ever fill out a job application? First question – have you ever been convicted of a felony? (which is a nutty question to ask because if you were convicted of a felony – would you be trusted to tell the truth about it?) so that argument goes down the drain really fast. If we want to treat Michael Vick like everyone else, shun him.

But secondly and most importantly – football players and other sports figures are looked at by children 9and some adults) as heroes. Heroes. I don’t agree with this, but they are. They are worshipped, their sweaty jerseys are saved and framed, cards are traded, pictures are saved. The athlete is supposed to be larger than life, a superman or woman that comes from out of the ordinary to make good. To be better than us. Used to be that you had to have a squeaky clean image. Now you can three or four DUI’s and a few bar brawls and assault and battery charges before someone bats an eyelash. But a hero that kills man’s best friend? What the hell kind of a role model is that for kids?

No. I’m sorry – I think this is a really bad move by the Eagles. And if Vick needs a job – the dog pound needs someone to clean up shit. And if we want to start being humane to people who have served their time, trying to reenter society with dignity - this is not the man to start with.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Born in Kenya Smoking Gun

OK - I stand corrected - I guess the Birthers were right. I just discovered this definitive proof that Obama was born in Kenya.

What the F*** Happened to Tea Parties?

So when I was a little girl my friends used to have tea parties. You sit your dolls and stuffed animals around a little table and serve them tea out of a teeny tiny teapot, usually covered in teeny tiny pink rosebuds. Or...on your birthday, mommy would take you to the nice hotel or restaurant in the big city all dressed up for a real tea party - we used to go to Rumplemayer's on Central Park South. What adorable childhood memories. Here is a sample, for instance of the tea party menu at the American Girl Cafe at the American Girl Store:

Sample Afternoon Tea menu

Warm Welcome
Cinnamon buns

Savory Treats
Kaya’s Blueberry-Lemon Scones—served with fruit preserves and Devonshire cream
Cranberry Bread
Lemon-Poppy-Seed Bread
Kit’s Garden-Party Sandwiches with vegetable cream cheese and cucumber
Josefina’s Favorite Chicken-Salad Boats with cheddar-cheese sails
Kirsten’s Farm-Fresh Egg-Salad Tea Sandwich
Felicity’s Patriotic Roasted Turkey with cranberry mayonnaise
Sweet Surprises
Samantha’s Fruit Tartlet
Addy’s Linzer “Love” Cookie
Molly’s Victory-Garden Chocolate-Mousse Flowerpot

Sooo cute?...right? Because this is how the republicans now want their little darlings to have tea party memories....So much more fun to stand around in signs saying "No more taxes" than to eat cookies and drink lemonade! Right on Conservatives!

Shouldn't these people be totally ashamed that they have their kids wearing teabags on their freaking heads and holding signs that are against the President of the United States? Screw that - pass me a f**king scone!

Ann Coulter - The Gift that Keeps on Giving......

I just found this little gem on Youtube.

Ann Coulter was on Donny Deutsch, which, as you know, is not really a political show. His show, The Big Picture, is basically how Successful companies and people became so successful. I enjoy watching him and he has had celebrities, CEO's and entrepreneurs on. He had Ann Coulter on because being conservative (and shocking) is big business for her. And here's where the interview goes straight to double hockey sticks!

Ann Coulter is asked what her perfect United States would be like - what is her version of the USA utopia that she dreams of when she rests that tortured blonde head down to sleep every morning in her red, white and blue casket......and she said...The Republican National Convention in NYC. OK - fair enough, I can see that - middle aged men in suits, lots of scotch and Ann Coulter as their muse. I get that. But then she is asked to describe what the country would be like -to women, to races, the everyday non-political people....and she says - just like the Republican National Convention in NYC....When Donny Deutsch asks her to be more specific (spit it out, bitch is his inner monologue) she says - you know everyone happy, everyone Christian......wait! Donny Deutsch catches that (and he's one of the tribe)....He says - I'm Jewish - you would want no Jews? You would want me to convert? And she says - no, we would just want to perfect the Jews by having them become Christians!

She then tries to explain that this is not hurtful or prejudice - simply fact. Christians are merely...perfected JEWS! They believe that Christ died for their sins while us Jews are apparently still sacrificing lambs to the angry hebrew God and worshiping golden calfs or something....

I would be so totally offended, but I gotta say - if there were no Conservative loony tunes what the hell would I have to write about - Paris Hilton and The Twilight Movie???? So I say - you go girl! You keep on talking Ann Coulter, to anyone who will listen...because sometimes a girl's gotta say Jews are heathens and I have a penis! And I will listen!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bill Maher Birther Rant

Please - The birthers are the same people that wonder where the sun goes at night....brilliant!

Why so Angry???? And so Crazy???

Health protestor: Obama has 'broken his oath'Aug. 12: Craig Miller, the man who confronted Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., at a town hall-style meeting, joins msnbc's Dylan Ratigan to discuss the incident, as well as his feelings on the role of government.

My husband, Jack, got me hooked on Morning Joe on - as far as morning news shows go, I have to say that it's pretty intelligent (with the possible exception of the title host, Joe Scarborough). Actually I even like Joe - though he is a conservative, he plays well with liberals.

When Morning Joe ends, that's my cue to start the day - until yesterday and today, when I was fascinated by Morning Meeting host, Dylan reporting on the Town Hall Meeting uproars that are going on across the country. Yesterday he interviewed a woman who was waiting for The Obama Town Hall meeting to start in NH. She was the NH Tea Party Organizer. Barely coherent and not making sense, she reminded me of the cat ladies that sort of rant about conspiracy theories. She said that she expected to not be let in to the Town Hall, but wanted to express her concerns that Government was taking away her freedoms. When Dylan Ratigan pressed her for specifics, there were only the same talking points.....Cap and Trade......What about the least she was, by my accounts, wacky but mentally competent to stand trial, let's say.

But today.....oh today....Dylan gave me a piece of viewing that was both difficult to watch and fascinating at the same time. I think we all saw the clip of the man berating Arlen Specter at his Town Hall in PA yesterday. Of some man screaming at Mr. Specter, some other guy trying to hustle him out and then Mr. Specter getting between them to diffuse the situation as the crazed angry man was leaving and screaming "God will judge you".......

Well Dylan (my new boyfriend if he keeps this up) had the crazy "God will judge you" guy on the air today in a 9 minute interview! A 9 minute interview without commercial break, mind you. Mostly because this guy was ranting about 31 czars and President Obama broke his oath and was sworn in twice and Obama is a liar and Obama can't keep his word and....cap and trade and he wants to see an accounting of the federal reserve and..... what? what? what? This was the saddest and most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Now here's the thing that I saw. I saw a man that was mentally or emotionally disabled. I saw Arlen Specter handle this so well. Then I saw this on TV. Now at first I said what you're saying...if the man is mentally unstable (and look for yourself, the link is below)....., then why would MSNBC put him on the air...but then I realized that the man had pages of talking points on his lap and he was just reading the talking points so someone SOMEONE thought it was good idea from his side to put him on television.

I used to work at a conservative radio station, that I will not name. At that station there were many rabble who were on the air purely for ratings and didn't care a whoop what they were ranting about. They traipsed people like this around much in the same way that the Easter Seals telethon did the horrible marching of the crippled children in the early 70's. The people that are raging against the Obama administration and their local politicians are for the most part easily led, at best. They might be lonely, or subject to believing everything they hear, but they are not representing the American people.

These conservatives would have you believe that they are true Americans, trying to uphold the constitution and the American way of life. Don't be fooled. True Americans love this country and want it to be the greatest country in the world. They are open to critcisism but it has to be constructive. Violence is by its nature destructive, not constructive and these people are using violent words and actions. They don't want a dialogue, they want to stop the dialogue.

Now, what can we do? Well, just like an annoying mosquito or the town drunk when he wants to pick a bar fight after one too many....we should ignore them. We SHOULD go about our business of convincing the more rational people on the fence that there are no death squads, the DMV will not take over your annual pap smear and a government official will not be asking you to turn and cough.

And we should keep on letting these people expose themselves as robots with talking points and embarassing themselves - because they are the best advertisement for not taking them seriously.

Health protestor: Obama has 'broken his oath'Aug. 12: Craig Miller, the man who confronted Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., at a town hall-style meeting, joins msnbc's Dylan Ratigan to discuss the incident, as well as his feelings on the role of government.