Thursday, September 10, 2009

Would You Let Your Children Behave Like Joe Wilson (I hope not....)

"F**K you, Congress"

So here's the question - you have a child. You take said child out to some crappy place in a strip mall for dinner because you got home late and the last thing on your mind is to make dinner. So you and your husband (or wife or whatever) take little Timmy out with you to TGI Thursday's or Green Lobster or whatever. While there, the waitress comes over and says "Hi! We have drink specials today 2 for 1 margaritas" You say that sounds great and while the waitress gets your drink order, Little Timmy, seed of your loins, throws a tantrum at the table because he wants chicken fingers and you want him to have the steamed chicken and broccoli so he doesn't turn into an obese child (because you cant afford the medical bills if your angel gets diabetes at the age of 10). He screams at you and makes a scene - what do you do? Punish him or give him his favorite dessert as a reward?

If that child were mine - that better not happen, I'll tell you that. Because even a crappy restaurant is a restaurant and there is a sense of decorum in how you act when out in public. My parents threatened me once - if you act out we just wont take you anywhere - and that's all I needed.

So my question, dear readers is simply this.....why the hell would anyone Republicans, Conservatives, Space Aliens....let Rep. Joe Wilson get away with his behavior last night at the President's address to Congress? What kind of message does this send? To me it doesn't send a message of protest or disagreement for The President's bill and ideals - the way to show that is clearly in the sitting on the hands and looking a little perturbed that the Republicans (and Democrats) know how to do so well. That in itself speaks volumes to The President when he addresses Congress. I personally LOVE this bit of theatre - it reminds me of old movies of Parliament.

But this...this shouting of "You Lie" by Rep Wilson is just bad behavior. And it makes a mockery of Congress, his office, and the Republican Party. It shows that he has no taste and clearly no respect for his job or his party or his country. Forget about his not agreeing with The President - you do not shit where you eat! That's the first rule of having a job. For this alone to show respect for the hall of Congress and the Country that the Republicans say they love so much more than the Democrats do - they need to condemn this act by a crude man - not order him a hot fudge sundae!

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