Thursday, August 13, 2009

What the F*** Happened to Tea Parties?

So when I was a little girl my friends used to have tea parties. You sit your dolls and stuffed animals around a little table and serve them tea out of a teeny tiny teapot, usually covered in teeny tiny pink rosebuds. Or...on your birthday, mommy would take you to the nice hotel or restaurant in the big city all dressed up for a real tea party - we used to go to Rumplemayer's on Central Park South. What adorable childhood memories. Here is a sample, for instance of the tea party menu at the American Girl Cafe at the American Girl Store:

Sample Afternoon Tea menu

Warm Welcome
Cinnamon buns

Savory Treats
Kaya’s Blueberry-Lemon Scones—served with fruit preserves and Devonshire cream
Cranberry Bread
Lemon-Poppy-Seed Bread
Kit’s Garden-Party Sandwiches with vegetable cream cheese and cucumber
Josefina’s Favorite Chicken-Salad Boats with cheddar-cheese sails
Kirsten’s Farm-Fresh Egg-Salad Tea Sandwich
Felicity’s Patriotic Roasted Turkey with cranberry mayonnaise
Sweet Surprises
Samantha’s Fruit Tartlet
Addy’s Linzer “Love” Cookie
Molly’s Victory-Garden Chocolate-Mousse Flowerpot

Sooo cute?...right? Because this is how the republicans now want their little darlings to have tea party memories....So much more fun to stand around in signs saying "No more taxes" than to eat cookies and drink lemonade! Right on Conservatives!

Shouldn't these people be totally ashamed that they have their kids wearing teabags on their freaking heads and holding signs that are against the President of the United States? Screw that - pass me a f**king scone!

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